Around the World and Back Again - Global

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In a rare glimpse behind the scenes, Around the World and Back Again recaps on this year's amazing programs and the journey it took to create them. From run-ins with China's secret police to illness and personal dramas, this documentary unravels a hidden story as compelling as those the journalists set out to tell.

Among the anecdotes and beautiful imagery, Eric Campbell relates what happened when altitude and illness struck his team as they travelled to the heights of the Himalayas for The Secret Garden. Mark Corcoran reveals how the recurrence of an old condition nearly left him permanently speechless while filming the Egyptian revolution in Salma in the Square. Mark Willacy gets all too close to natural disaster in The Boy on the Bike as his own family is struck by the Japanese Earthquake during filming.

Peeping behind plants and trailing their car, Stephen Mcdonnell reveals how they added a fascinating dimension to True Believers by incorporating the intrusion of China's secret police into their exploration of the underground Christian Church. Michael Brissenden sheds insight into the public reactions to The Mormon Moment and Zoe Daniel talks about her travels to Burma to meet Aung San Suu Kyi for The Lady on The Lake - following in the footsteps of Paul Lockyer, a brilliant correspondent who tragically died this year. Her touching tribute reveals not only the amazing journeys these professional take, but also the significant risks involved in creating these incredible stories.