Casualties of the Crash - Greece

Greece waits as Merkel MPs vote on bailout

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With Greece given a new 130 billion Euro bailout package, this report looks at the human fallout of the country's crisis. It finds a people struggling to survive under a crippling regime of austerity.

In recent months ordinary Greeks have watched their lives disintegrate. Everyday life in the country has become a struggle, so much so that even those in the middle classes are relying on handouts. "We cannot put up with any more demands. This is not tax, this is extortion", says a drinks distributor. In a typical shopping quarter in Athens, the shops are almost all shut because people can't afford to buy anything. Making a daily living has even become harder for those who were careful. But somehow there is still optimism, as well as a determination to pull together. "In the difficult times, the Greeks are always united. I think the same will happen again now."

February 2012